Council – 24 February 2025

Pay Policy Statement 2025/26


For Decision



Executive Summary

The Localism Act 2011 requires the Council to prepare a pay policy statement for each financial year. The statement must be prepared and approved by the end of March each year.


That the Council approve the Pay Policy Statement 2025/26.

Reasons for recommendation

We are required to have a pay policy statement in place which sets out the authority’s policies for the financial year relating to:


The remuneration of its chief officers,

The remuneration of its lowest-paid employees, and

The relationship between –

(i)        the remuneration of its chief officers, and

(ii)       the remuneration of its employees who are not chief officers.




Portfolio Holder

Councillor Jeremy Heron – Finance and Corporate

Strategic Director

Alan Bethune – Strategic Director Corporate Resources, S151 and Transformation.

Officer Contact

Heleana Aylett

Service Manager – Human Resources

023 80 285662







1.      The Localism Act 2011 requires the Council to prepare a pay policy statement for each financial year.  The statement must be prepared and approved by the end of March each year. A recommended statement for 2025/26 is included at Appendix 1.  The statement details the policies in place from 1 April 2025.


2.      Appendix 2 reflects the nationally agreed Pay Award for 2024/25 for Chief Executives, Chief Officers and those covered by the ‘Green book’ (which covers NFDC employees).




3.      A pay policy statement must set out the authority’s policies for the financial year relating to:


The remuneration of its chief officers,

The remuneration of its lowest-paid employees, and

The relationship between –

(i)     the remuneration of its chief officers, and

(ii)    the remuneration of its employees who are not chief officers.


4.    The statement must state –


The definition of “lowest paid employees” adopted by the authority for the purposes of the statement, and

The authority’s reasons for adopting that definition


5.    The pay policy for 2025/26 has been set up on the basis of the organisational structure (the Strategic Director and Assistant Director model).


National pay award for 2024/25


6.    The Pay Award for 2024/25 has now been agreed for Chief Executives, Chief Officers and Local Government Services (Green Book) employees.  As a result, all NFDC Spinal Column Points up to 47 have been increased by £1,290. Those above scp 47 had an increase of 2.5%. Chief Officer and Chief Executive pay increased by 2.5%.


7.    As a result of the national pay award and the changes made to the Council’s pay spine in October 2022, the lowest pay point on the council’s pay structure is now £12.37 per hour. The updated pay structure is shown in Appendix 2.

HR Committee Comments


8.   The HR Committee, at its meeting on 9 January 2025, supported the recommendations.


Corporate plan priorities

9.     The pay policy statement is in support of the council's ambition to be an Employer of Choice.


Options appraisal


10.    Not applicable.


Consultation undertaken


11.    None.


Financial and resource implications


12.    None in respect of the Pay Policy Statement itself. The national pay award is accounted for within budgets.


Legal implications


13.    The Localism Act 2011 requires the Council to prepare a pay policy statement for each financial year.


Risk assessment


14.    Not required.


Environmental / Climate and nature implications


15.    None.


Equalities implications


16.    There are no equality implications arising from the report.


Crime and disorder implications


17.    None.


Data protection / Information governance / ICT implications


18.    None.



Background Papers:


Appendix 1 – Pay Policy Statement

Appendix 2 – Pay Structure

